JFE Advantech – DEFI Series

DEFI series loggers are accurate, compact, and light weight data loggers to be used in various conditions, also offers the following data loggers: temperature, light intensity, and pressure, which can be used in a variety of observations.

Pocket-size DEFI2 Product List
  • Conductivity and Temperature Recorder DEFI2-CT
  • Temperature Logger DEFI2-T
  • PAR logger DEFI2-L
  • Pressure Logger DEFI2-DHG and DEFI2-D
  • DEFI Interface

JFE Advantech – RINKO Series

RINKO Series features:
Fast response DO sensor (90%: < 1 s, at 25 o C in air); Increased durability DO sensor (90%: < 30 s, at 25 o C in air); Anti-biofouling wiper.

RINKO Product List
  • RINKO APO-PR: Portable optical DO meter
  • RINKO W: DO logger with wiper for long-term measurements
  • RINKO I: Logger version optical fast DO sensor
  • RINKO II: Digital output version optical fast DO sensor
  • RINKO III: Analog fast optical DO sensor
  • RINKO-Profiler: Logger version CTD profiler with optical fast DO sensor
  • RINKO-Profiler with 3,000m Depth Rating
  • AAQ-RINKO: Water quality profiler with optical fast DO sensor

JFE Advantech – INFINITY Series

The INFINITY series has compact and robust sensors, offers a new generation of instruments controlled by a high-performance 16-bit MCU and provided with a miniSD card. Resulting in a prompt, safe, and easy instrument handling.

INFINITY Product List
  • INFINITY-EM: Logger version 2-D electro-magnetic current meter
  • INFINITY-Deep: Logger version 2-D electromagnetic current meter for deep ocean
  • INFINITY-WH: Water pressure principle logger version wave height meter
  • INFINITY-CT: Logger version conductivity and temperature sensor
  • INFINITY-CTW: Logger version conductivity and temperature sensor with wiper
  • INFINITY-CLW: Logger version conductivity and temperature sensor with wiper
  • INFINITY-Turbi: Dual range turbidity logger with wiper (ATU75W2-USB)
  • ATUD USB: Turbidity and temperature sensor for the deep ocean

JFE Advantech – Current Meters

Handy and reliable single point current measurements from JFE Advantech.


The handheld 1-D electromagnetic current meter for rivers.

  • Single axis hand-held EM
  • Robust design
  • No moving mechanical parts
  • Real time data reading

The handheld 2-D EM current meter with temperature and depth sensor.

  • 2-axis hand-held EM
  • No moving mechanical parts
  • Depth and temperature sensor
  • Real time data reading
Laboratory EM

Laboratory EM current meter has 3 ACM series: ACM2-RS (2 axis), ACM3-RS (3 axis), and ACM41-IF (interface unit).

  • High sampling rate up to 70Hz
  • Connect up to 4 sensors
  • Analog and digital output

JFE Advantech – YODA Profiler

(“Yoing” Ocean Data Acquisition Profiler) is a “tow-yo” instrument to profile the water column with high spatial resolution from small boats without occupying much space.

YODA Profiler Details

The instrument is provided with a deployment winch and sensors measuring conductivity, temperature, pressure, chlorophyll, turbidity and dissolved oxygen.

The brush at the top of the instrument allows for a stabilizing effect on the free-fall sinking speed, which is approximately constant at 0.2 m/s.

All data are stored internally and downloaded into a PC through a wet-connector and interface.

JFE Advantech – Multi-Exciter

Multi-excitation fluorometer for automatic algal class detection. Equipped with a chlorophyll fluorescence probe with 9-wavelength excitation LEDs to measure fluorescent spectra, and turbidity, temperature and depth sensors.

Multi-Exciter Features
  • 9-wavelength excitation
  • Accurate fluorescence measurements even in turbid water
  • Automatic classification using the processing software
  • Customizable library of chlorophyll-specific spectra
  • Anti-fouling mechanical wiper
  • Multiparameter (turbidity, temperature and depth)

JFE Advantech – Digital Sensor for Integration

Cabled sensors using RS-232C or RS-485 communication protocols and powered by voltages between 12 and 24 V DC. The sensors can be easily integrated on various platforms and output data upon command request.

Real-time Data

“For easy integration onto platforms”

The digital output wired sensors are available, and the model name termination CAR and CAD indicates RS-232C or RS-485 communication protocol, respectively

  • RS-232C or RS-485 communication
  • Operating with DC 12 V
  • Cable with D-sub 9pin connector
  • Anti-biofouling wiper

JFE Advantech – HAI Sensor

(Harmful Algal Indication Sensor) is designed to identify two phytoplankton species that are well-known to cause harmful blooms: Karenia mikimotoi and Chattonella antiqua.

HAI Sensor Details

The instrument takes advantage of the Fluorescence spectral Shift Index (FSI)* of these two species that is relatively high when compared to other species.

*Fluorescence spectral Shift Index (FSI) is the ration of fluorescence intensity at 690 nm to that at 670 nm in wavelength.

JFE Advantech – Tegaru-CTD

A compact-size CTD that can be charged wirelessly and uses Bluetooth® communication with smartphones or tablets running AndroidOS.

“An affordable CTD for Coastal Ocean”

Tegaru-CTD Features
  • Easy data visualization during field work
  • Operation via tablet or smartphone
  • Data transfer via Bluetooth® wireless technology
  • Wireless charging

JFE Advantech – Pre-programmed AWS1000

A compact and affordable water sampler system carrying up to 10 water sampling bottles of 2 L and/or 5 L. The system has a built-in pressure sensor, but it was also designed to be equipped with our CTD instrument from ASTD series.

Water Sampler AWS1000 Features
  • 10 water sampling bottles (2 L and/or 5 L)
  • Lightweight and compact frame
  • Suitable for small vessels
  • Easily detachable bottles and CTD

JFE Advantech – SFIDA

SFIDA (Submersible Field Image Data Archiver) was designed for biological research and it is able to be installed in many different ways.

Underwater Camera with Wiper SFIDA
  • The camera lens has a mechanical wiper to keep its surface clean from biofouling.
  • The electroluminescent display (1.7 inches) allows to confirm the desired target during the installation process.
  • The LED can be also set to automatic (activated by ambient light).
  • The SDHC card (up to 32GB) allows recording up to 110 thousand pictures.
  • Up to 50 m depth.
  • The battery-life time allows observations up to 3 months (30 minutes interval).